When I decided to leave the creative video agency I created for 20 years, it was one of the scariest and most exciting things in the world to me. I’d made the deliberate decision to leave something I’d given my all to start from scratch, basically beginning again.
What have I learned from starting over:
Check your EGO at the Door
After being fortunate enough to establish a successful business in the NJ/NYC region, I didn’t realize how much time it would take to reinvent myself as a business adviser and mentor. People who had known me for over 20 years knew me as Chris “Grey Sky” the video guy, and now it was like “Wait, what do you do
If you want your firm to have a chance of success, you must be willing to invest or reinvest in yourself and your personal brand. While it’s wonderful that people recognize you, you can’t just sit back and expect the phone to start ringing with fresh business leads.
Get Good at Making Mistakes
Life is made up of experiences, and running a company is no different. It’s these events that educate us and mold us, and making mistakes is an important part of the road to success. When I created Rock It Growth Agency, I believed I’d already “done it all” when it came to “starting over,” but WOW was I incorrect!
Yes, having such expertise and understanding was very beneficial and shortened the time it took to get things up and running. My main blunder was assuming that switching careers would be a simple process. That took me down a path of making some decisions I wish I could reverse, but it was necessary for me to make those mistakes in order for me to take a very recognizable action step that I had already done numerous times.
That leads me to…
Ask for Help
If there’s one bit of advice I want you all to take away from this post it’s this, DO NOT DELAY in ASKING FOR HELP! When I say ask for help, I mean find someone, a coach, mentor, advisor, peer group, someone who can help guide you. I became a business mentor to assist creative individuals in developing a strong brand that would get them noticed, increase their confidence in their company, and ultimately gain more clients.
However, I was stuck for the first 6 months of Rock It’s existence, I felt like I was in quicksand and was slowly drowning, but with no idea why. Then I did what I’ve always done: seek assistance. I found a business mentor to help me discover my path and direct my business. I discovered someone who understood what I was going through and had the skills and experience to help me get my company going.
Getting that kind of help was essential to me being able to move my business forward and it was also the right investment of time and dollars.
I hope that this quick article helps at least a few of you. It’s not a simple straight road, but it is rewarding when you get some momentum going. Running and starting a business isn’t only about overcoming difficulties (though they do occur on a daily basis), but it’s also about doing what you love and being happy.
If would like help in your journey building your business, feel free to reach out to me directly and set up a free consultation.
Let’s Rock!